the new Coles Cafeteria Art Tea Towel... visits the old Coles Cafeteria

Coles Cafeteria - Art Tea Towel - David Jones Menswear - Art Deco Tiles

Coles Cafeteria - Art Tea Towel - David Jones Menswear - Art Deco Tiles

A good tile is a good tile is a good tile... These have survived 90 years - in style and durability - simple, elegant and brightly optimistic...

Retailer George Coles commissioned Architect Harry Norris to design the new Flagship Store of his Variety Chain, including a Dining Hall modelled on American Department Stores, with the modern aesthetics of the day... 

Mr. Norris and Mr. Coles together designed many of the early Coles Stores which coincided with what's now known as the Art Deco era...

What was the Coles Cafeteria in 1930 is David Jones Menswear in 2020...

and where the Coles Cafeteria Art Tea recently 'returned' to its Cafe Culture origins for a photo opportunity... but can only be purchased at http:/